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The increasing adoption of automated workflow is fuelling the demand for document control software. Document control software is designed to organise and manage documents. Document control software provides users the ability to access, modify and store documents in various formats such as PDFs, audio, video and others. Document control software handles various tasks such as the archiving, distribution and creation of documents.

This quote comes courtesy of Future Market Insights who has produced a report detailing the expected growth of the global document control software market up to 2028. The report details the global market by various segments including region/location and discusses a number of possible factors that could help or hinder this expected growth.

The report projects that the increase in home-based workers will contribute to the growth of document control uptake. This will lead to an increased need to have a centralized software system that all staff can access regardless of where they are physically located as this has previously been a concern for companies that use server-based software that needs to be loaded on each individual computer. The report also suggests that slow PCs and security concerns have on the other hand hindered software growth.

For DocBoss users, none of these above-mentioned concerns apply to them. DocBoss is a web-based application that anyone can use with an Internet connection and decent computer regardless of where they are located. Geography is not a concern as DocBoss is simply accessed online with nothing to download, install, host or maintain. DocBoss provides 128-bit SSL encryption for user login and all subsequent data exchange, the same level of encryption used by online banks.

You can read more about DocBoss security by clicking here.